Sartorius enters collaboration with German AI research centre

The collaboration is experimentally testing use of AI in Sartorius products and platform solutions.

Sartorius and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) have established the Sartorius AI Lab (SAIL) research laboratory. The collaboration is experimentally testing the use of AI in Sartorius products and platform solutions.

Testing is taking place on the DFKI campus in Kaiserslautern and further developed at SAIL.

Sartorius CEO, Dr Joachim Kreuzburg explained that so far, advanced methods of data analysis have been used only to a very limited extent in the biopharmaceutical industry, in drug research and in production. This is one of the reasons that development timelines and costs for medical drugs are ever-increasing.

Kreuzberg said that better use of data through AI is a particularly promising approach for making significant progress in this area. Many customers are already using the powerful software Sartorius has been offering for two and a half years through its Data Analytics unit for specific applications in biopharmaceutical production.

“We aim to strongly expand this business activity and are therefore glad to have found DFKI, one of the most important international centres of excellence for AI and deep learning with more than 1,000 scientists, as strong partners to join us in developing such solutions,” Kreuzberg added.

SAIL is assigned to the DFKI research department of Smart Data & Knowledge Services headed by Professor Andreas Dengel and uses DFKI’s deep learning hardware and expertise, which is unique throughout Europe. As a protected data room and independent data laboratory, SAIL is also open to Sartorius partners and customers as part of cooperation agreements, and the first projects have already been initiated.

Source: Manufacturing Chemist